CogAT® Question Type: Number Analogies Sample and Tips
/In this post, we start with an overview of "Number Analogies" question types. We also provide a sample question, accompanied by tips and strategies that every student can use to perform successfully on "Number Analogies" questions during the official CogAT® exam.
Number Analogies questions are part of the quantitative battery on the CogAT. Number Series and Number Puzzles are the other two subtests in this battery.
Number Analogies Questions: What To Expect?
Older students must determine which number in the provided answer choices is analogous to the numbers in the question.
K-2 students are given a 2X2 matrix with one empty cell. The student must determine the relationship between the two images in the top row, and then find the picture that has the same relationship with the image on the bottom row.
How Many Questions To Expect on The Test?
The amount of number analogies questions on the test depends on the age of the student and the test level, as shown by the table below.
Number Analogies | |||
Level | Number of Questions | Grade Level |
Approximate Age |
Level 5/6 | 14 | Kindergarten | 5/6 Years |
Level 7 | 16 | 1st Grade | 7 Years |
Level 8 | 18 | 2nd Grade | 8 Years |
Level 9 | 18 | 3rd Grade | 9 Years |
Level 10 | 18 | 4th Grade | 10 Years |
Level 11 | 18 | 5th Grade | 11 Years |
Level 12 | 18 | 6th Grade | 12 Years |
Level 13-18 | 18 | 7th-12th Grade | 13-18 Years |
Number Analogies: Sample Question
Correct Answer: D
On the left box on the top row, there are three flowers. In the right box on the top row, there are five flowers.
In the bottom row, your child needs to find the same relationship as s/he sees in the top row, and choose the answer option that fits best in the box with the question mark. On the left box on the bottom row, there are three bees. In the right box, there should be five bees. Therefore the correct answer is D.
Number Analogies:Tips and Strategies
Successful completion of this question type requires the ability to identify and complete patterns and sequences among numbers.
Your child is probably not accustomed to completing number matrices, so it is important to frequently expose him to this question type in order to build confidence and familiarity. Consider modeling how to approach solving a number matrix by “thinking aloud” as you work through a question with your child.
As your child begins to complete questions on his own, ask him to explain his reasoning. If he is correct, you can reinforce his strong, logical approach to the question. If he is incorrect, you can correct misconceptions and offer suggestions on how to better approach the question.
You can also invest in engaging workbooks or computer games that teach patterns, sequences, and number concepts. Remind your child not to spend too much time fretting over one question, but to simply make an educated guess and then move on if they get stuck.
What's Next?
Help your child become familiar with the questions on this challenging exam by downloading a free CogAT practice test.
Learn more about other quantitative question types on the CoGAT, including Number Series and Number Puzzles.
Also see critical teaching tips that cover other areas of the CogAT, including the nonverbal battery and the verbal battery.
If you think you need more information and guidance about the CogAT, check out our ultimate guide on the test, and our in-depth article on CogAT scores.
Also, learn everything you need to know about other tests that measure a child’s potential to learn in school, like the NNAT or the OLSAT.