NYC Gifted and Talented Practice Test & Top 5 Prep Activities

Studying isn't easy when you are 4!

Studying isn't easy when you are 4!

There are many ways to get your pre-schooler ready for the Gifted and Talented test, including by having your child take a practice test, as well as engaging with your child in supplemental prep activities that promote the skills measured by this test.

If you want to get started right away and have your child try some questions from a NYC Gifted and Talented practice test, please click the button below.

What Is the NYC Gifted and Talented Test? What's On It?

NYC doe Gifted and talented test logo

NYC doe Gifted and talented test logo

There are two components to the test, which is based on two widely-used assessments: the Otis Lennon School Ability Test, or OLSAT, and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, or NNAT.

The Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT®) is designed to measure an individual's ability to reason logically and think abstractly. Specifically, it tests a variety of skills and abilities in students aged between four and 18, including verbal and quantitative skills and spatial reasoning ability.

The Nagleiri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT®) is also used to screen children for giftedness and potential to learn in school, but this test is a nonverbal measure of cognitive ability. This means the exam uses shapes and symbols versus words to test the child's abilities, and means that children don’t have to know the English language to solve the problems presented to them. Like the OLSAT, the test is also used to test students in the four to 18 age range.

The OLSAT and NNAT are weighted equally on the NYC Gifted and Talented Test. However the NNAT test is longer (48 questions) than the OLSAT (30 questions). The OLSAT has many sections, but the NYC Department of Education, which administers the test, only used three question types from the verbal section of the OLSAT. You can find out more about the kinds of questions used by the DOE for the NYC Gifted and Talented test here.

Additional Ways To Prepare for the NYC G and T Test

Don't forget traditional memory games!

Don't forget traditional memory games!

Having your child take NYC gifted and talented practice tests is not the only way to prepare him or her for this challenging exam.

There are plenty of supplemental activities that you can do with your child (and which you may do already) that promote logical reasoning and problem-solving, the cognitive skills assessed by the NYC Gifted and Talented test.

For example, engaging in games and activities that promote higher-order thinking, and which strengthen your pre-schooler’s short-term memory and listening skills will help your child tackle this test more effectively.

Below you will find our suggestions on the top 5 supplemental ways to prepare for the test.

1. Do skills-builder activities

It can also be worthwhile to buy workbooks that contain exercises and activities that are similar to questions on the test. You can buy workbooks that are specifically created for this purpose, or you can put together a series of worksheets that promote the kinds of skills that the test measures.

For example, worksheets on ‘sequences’, “what does not belong”, and 'analogical thinking' (with images, not words) would be useful places to start.

2. Build vocabulary through seeing in context

Enhance background knowledge and expand visual vocabulary by visiting places such as a zoo, museum, circus, farm or aquarium, where a child can encounter objects and animals in context.

3. Play traditional memory games

Play traditional memory games such as 'Matching Pairs', the 'Ever-increasing Shopping List' (I went to the shop and bought a .... ), and 'Which Item is Missing?', where items are placed and named on the table, then one object is removed.

4. Work with flashcards

Use picture flashcards to help your child classify how different items share a common category because of shared characteristics.

5. Play games that help your child learn about how to classify objects

Engage in play experiences that involve naming and sorting and classifying common objects, including types of clothing, furniture, tools, vehicles, animals, vegetables, fruits and plants. For example:

  • One player (without telling the others) chooses a common object (eg: an orange) and uses specific words to describe which category it belongs to, and other defining concepts such as its color, shape, size, use, location, etc. (''I'm thinking of a fruit that is round, orange, juicy, grows on trees, makes juice). The other player/s guess what is being described.
  • Players choose a word category (e.g., footwear) and try to describe as many objects as possible that are part of the category (include sneakers, shoes, boots, sandals, socks, slippers).
  • Players choose a topic ( eg: cats) and together try to think of familiar concepts related to it (include has four legs, has whiskers, runs away from dogs, can be a pet, purrs).
  • When to Start Preparing for the Gifted and Talented Test?

    Every family and student will approach preparation for this test differently. There is no 'right' way to prepare; there is only the best way for a particular child and family. We suggest students, at minimum, take one full-length practice test and spend 6-8 hours working through NYC Gifted and Talented practice tests.

    If you have limited time to prepare, spend most energy reviewing areas where your student is encountering the majority of problems.

    As they say, knowledge is power! Preparing for the NYC Gifted and Talented test will certainly help your student avoid anxiety and make sure she does not give up too soon when faced with unfamiliar and perplexing questions.

    Get started now by downloading 25 free questions for the NYC Gifted and Talented Assessment.



    At Origins Tutoring, we believe that preparation for the NYC Gifted and Talented test does not have to be daunting and exasperating; instead, it can represent an important opportunity along a child’s path to learning mastery. Indeed, the perspectives and abilities acquired during test preparation can help a student throughout his or her school career and beyond.

    Our two-track approach to mastering content and improving test-taking skills means that students will not only thoroughly understand the fundamental concepts and skills tested by the Gifted and Talented test, but they will also excel in using essential techniques to improve attitude, endurance and focus.

    Each child in our program receives the undivided attention and expertise of a dynamic and experienced coach who provides the framework to support each student on his unique path to becoming a master learner.

    Please call 917.287.7927 now for a complimentary consultation to discuss how we can help your child achieve his or her personal best on the Gifted and Talented test.


    This article has provided you access to a NYC Gifted and Talented practice test, and offered information on additional activities your child could do to get prepared on test day.

    If you think you need more information and guidance about the NYC Gifted and Talented, check out our in-depth article on the test.

    Learn everything you need to know about the NNAT2 and OLSAT, including sample questions on every section type.

    There are also other ways to prepare for the that you may not know about. Read about our top test prep tips for the Gifted and Talented test here!