PARCC: How to Prepare for the 3rd Grade PARCC Assessment
/If your child is a 3rd grade student in a PARCC state, this will be the first year he or she is required to take the PARCC tests.
PARCC tests are aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and assess students’ progress toward these rigorous standards. **English Language Arts and Mathematics tests are annually administered in grades 3-11.**
These tests are challenging, but completing PARCC practice tests for 3rd grade can help. Since these tests are new for your child, we’re answering all of your pressing questions and giving you some useful 3rd grade PARCC practice questions.
## What is PARCC?
Let’s get started on discussing everything you need to know about the third grade PARCC exam.
PARCC (the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) is a group of states that collaborates to create assessments measuring if students are on track for success in college and careers. As we mentioned earlier, questions are linked to the Common Core State Standards.
Common Core is a “clear set of shared goals and expectations” for the skills and knowledge students in each grade level should master in English Language Arts and Mathematics.
In accordance with the CCSS, PARCC focuses on **higher level critical thinking skills, problem solving, analysis, and real-world application.**
PARCC provides parents, teachers, and students with **information about student performance and progress.** You’ll receive insight into the skills your child still needs to master in order to be on track for continued success.
## PARCC 3rd Grade Basics
This year, your child will take PARCC English Language Arts and PARCC Mathematics for the first time.
Your child will have the majority of the school year to master the skills that will be assessed on the PARCC tests. Tests must be administered during a **30 day window that ends about 90% of the way through the school year.**
These assessments are **computer based** and use **interactive questions** that can test higher order skills more effectively than traditional multiple choice tests.
Students write short responses and essays, provide evidence to support responses, drag and drop words and numbers into charts and graphs, and more.
Let’s take a look at the type of skills and knowledge that will be tested on both the ELA and mathematics assessments, along with some 3rd grade PARCC practice questions.
### PARCC ELA 3rd Grade
Your child will be evaluated on **higher level reading comprehension and writing skills,** including the ability to:
PARCC - Main Idea sample question
PARCC - Vocab sample question
PARCC - Cause and Effect sample question
PARCC - Characterization sample question
PARCC - Build On sample question
PARCC - Text Features sample question
Questions are based on both literary and nonfiction passages. Students may also be expected to respond to questions based on audio or video.
On all ELA PARCC exams, there are three major question types:
PARCC - Evidence Based sample question
PARCC - Technology Enhanced sample question
Students may be asked to click on pieces of text to support a claim, check each box that could be a correct response to the question, drag and drop steps into chronological order, etc.
PARCC - Written Response sample
The test is divided into three sections, which are referred to as “units.” For third grade students, the units are timed as follows:
Although this is a rigorous test, you can help your child prepare with PARCC practice tests 3rd grade.
PARCC Mathematics 3rd Grade
This test assesses the ability to solve multi-step math problems that require critical thinking and address real-world situations. Your child may be expected to:
PARCC - Real World Problem sample
PARCC - Geometry sample
PARCC - Multiplication and Division sample
PARCC - Fractions sample
On PARCC Math tests, there are three major task types:
PARCC - Type II A sample question
PARCC - Type II Bsample question
PARCC - Type III A sample
PARCC - Type III B sample
PARCC - Type III C sample
Like the ELA exam, the Mathematics test is divided into “units.” Third grade students must complete four 60-minute units.
Students in third grade are not permitted to use calculators, and calculators will not be necessary to solve 3rd grade math problems.
To avoid losing points, remind your child of the following:
On the plus side, if your child makes an error early on when solving a problem, and the rest of the work follows from this single mistake, no additional points will be deducted.
To help your child prepare for the big day, we recommend using PARCC practice tests 3rd grade, paying particular attention to your child’s strengths and weaknesses and helping him make adjustments as needed.
PARCC: 3rd Grade Test Prep
Yes, PARCC tests are challenging, but remember that these tests are aligned with CCSS, and so is your child’s curriculum.
This means that your child will be learning the skills and knowledge tested on PARCC throughout the school year. For this reason, remind your child that it’s important to pay attention in class, complete classwork and homework, and ask questions when needed.
If your child seems to struggle with reading, writing, or math this year, you may want to ask the teacher for extra help or consider hiring a tutor. Your child’s teacher can also be a great resource for staying informed about your child’s progress, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
To improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar, it’s a good idea to set a weekly reading goal. Encourage your child to read a set amount of pages or minutes weekly. She can choose something engaging and interesting, as long as she’s reading.
If your child needs extra math practice, you can purchase workbooks, computer programs, or even apps designed to help children improve specific math skills.
The best way to prepare for any standardized test, however, is by working on sample questions and completing practice tests.
As your child answers questions incorrectly, take the time to discuss why the right answer is correct instead. You can also spend time clearing up misconceptions and developing strategies to approach similar questions more effectively in the future.
If you notice a question type that your child particularly struggles with, focus future practice sessions on these questions. Keep sessions as brief, engaging, and encouraging as possible to prevent your child from getting burnt out or developing anxiety about the test.
Along the same lines, try not to overemphasize the test. Too much stress at a young age is not only unhealthy, but it’s also likely to have a negative impact on your child’s ability to perform his best.
If you follow these tips and help your child complete [PARCC practice tests][1], you’ll be giving him the tools he needs for a successful PARCC performance!