SAT Test Prep | Winter SAT

If your teen plans to take the SAT this winter, he or she should begin studying as soon as possible. One option is to encourage your child to make a study schedule and to stick with it!  Each person needs to review different parts of the SAT, so once your teen isolates the areas in math, critical reading, and writing that he or she would most like to improve, he or she can create a study schedule that addresses those needs.  The hard part is following the schedule.  It can be challenging to balance the demands of high school, extracurricular activities, and college preparation, but as long as your teen can do some test prep every day, he or she will be able to get through a lot of SAT material. 

If your teen has friends who also plan to take the Winter SAT, small study groups may be an option.  Spending a few hours over the weekend on math or essay writing or grammar rules instantly becomes more fun with friends.  Group studying also allows each person to ask questions on confusing material, so if your child struggles in an area where a friend does well, or vice versa, they can help each other catch up. 

Your child’s high school may also be a good resource to explore as you consider test prep options for your child.  Some schools offer free mock SAT exams and review sessions for interested students, which can be a great way for your child to get more experience with SAT questions.  The high school’s college counseling center may also have suggestions for other resources for your child to use, or suggestions about which type of test prep will work best for your child’s needs. 

The most important part of test prep for the SAT is doing as many practice questions as possible, so the sooner your child can begin reviewing, the more experience he or she will have with SAT problems.

How Else Can My Child Prepare for the Winter SAT?

Standardized tests are high-stakes in NYC, and you probably have questions about how to best help your child prepare for the SAT. You may have asked yourself whether your child would benefit from a private test prep tutor.  Origins Tutoring, a NYC test prep and tutoring company specializing in customized, one-to-one test prep tutoring, can help address these concerns, and guide and support your family through the sometimes stressful standardized test preparation process. Our test prep tutoring approach is simple: each student will receive the undivided attention and the expertise of a dedicated, experienced tutor who places a premium on delivering the highest quality test preparation tutoring in the most effective and time-efficient manner possible. Please call 917.287.7927 for a complimentary consultation now.